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Create and run chaos experiments

Harness Chaos Engineering (HCE) gives you the flexibility to create elaborate chaos experiments that help create complex, real-life failure scenarios against which you can validate your applications. At the same time, the chaos experiments are declarative and you can construct them using the Chaos Studio user interface with no programmatic intervention.

A chaos experiment is composed of chaos faults that are arranged in a specific order to create a failure scenario. The chaos faults target various aspects of an application, including the constituent microservices and underlying infrastructure. You can tune the parameters associated with these faults to impart the desired chaos behavior.

For more information, go to flow of control in a chaos experiment.

Construct a chaos experiment

To add a chaos experiment:

  1. In Harness, navigate to Chaos > Chaos Experiments. Select + New Experiment.

    Chaos Experiments page

  2. In the Experiment Overview, enter the experiment Name and optional Description and Tags. In Select a Chaos Infrastructure, select the infrastructure where the target resources reside, and then click Next.

    Experiment Overview


For more information on infrastructure, go to Connect chaos infrastructures.

  1. This takes you to the Experiment Builder tab, where you can choose how to start building your experiment.

    Experiment Builder

  2. Select how you want to build the experiment. The options, explained later, are:

    • Blank Canvas - Lets you build the experiment from scratch, adding the specific faults you want.
    • Templates from ChaosHubs - Lets you preview and select and experiment from pre-curated experiment templates available in ChaosHubs.
    • Upload YAML - Lets you upload an experiment manifest YAML file.

    These options are explained below.

  1. The Experiment Builder tab is displayed. Click Add to add a fault to the experiment

Experiment Builder tab with Add button

  1. Select the fault you want to add to the experiment individually.

Select Faults

  1. For each fault you select, tune the fault's properties. Properties will be different for different faults.

    • To tune each fault:

      • Specify the target application (only for pod-level Kubernetes faults): This lets the application's corresponding pods be targeted.

      target app

      • Tune fault parameters: Every fault has a set of common parameters, such as the chaos duration, ramp time, etc., and a set of unique parameters that may be customised as needed.

      • Add chaos probes: (Optional) On the Probes tab, you can add chaos probes to automate the chaos hypothesis checks for a fault during the experiment execution. Probes are declarative checks that aid in the validation of certain criteria that are deemed necessary to declare an experiment as passed.

      • Tune fault weightage: Set the weight for the fault, which sets the importance of the fault relative to the other faults in the experiments. This is used to calculate the resilience score of the experiment.

      Tune Fault

Construct the chaos fault using one of the three options mentioned earlier and save the experiment.

Save experiment options

  • Select Save to save the experiment to the Chaos Experiments page. You can add it to a ChaosHub later.
  • Select Add Experiment to ChaosHub to save this experiment as a template in a selected ChaosHub.

Run the experiment

Now, you can choose to either run the experiment right away by selecting the Run button on the top, or create a recurring schedule to run the experiment by selecting the Schedule tab.

Advanced experiment setup options

You can select Advanced Options on the Experiment Builder tab to configure the advanced options (described below) while creating an experiment for a Kubernetes chaos infrastructure:

Advanced Options

General options

Node Selector

Specifies the node on which the experiment pods will be scheduled. Provide the node label as a key-value pair.

  • Can be used with node-level faults to avoid the scheduling of the experiment pod on the target node(s).

  • Can be used to limit the scheduling of the experiment pods on nodes that have an unsupported OS.

    Node Selector


Specifies the tolerations that must be satisfied by a tainted node to be able to schedule the experiment pods. For more information on taints and tolerations, go to the Kubernetes documentation.

  • Can be used with node-level faults to avoid the scheduling of the experiment pod on the target node(s).

  • Can be used to limit the scheduling of the experiment pods on nodes that have an unsupported OS.



Specifies the annotations to be added to the experiment pods. Provide the annotations as key-value pairs. For more information on annotations, go to the Kubernetes documentation.

  • Can be used for bypassing network proxies enforced by service mesh tools like Istio.


Security options

Enable runAsUser

Specifies the user ID to be used for starting all the processes in the experiment pod containers. By default 1000 user ID is used.

  • Allows privileged access or restricted access for experiment pods


Enable runAsGroup

Specifies the group ID to be used for starting all the processes in the experiment pod containers instead of a user ID.

  • Allows privileged access or restricted access for experiment pods


Run chaos experiments with APIs

This tutorial explains how to run chaos experiments on Kubernetes using APIs. You can access the Harness API documentation here. This tutorial uses the publicly available Harness CE Postman collection to describe the chaos APIs.

Typical chaos experimentation workflow

Chaos experiments target a steady-state system and simulate conditions that might induce failure in components such as infrastructure, networks, and services. For example, a Chaos experiment might terminate a pod in a functional Kubernetes cluster, shut down a working load balancer to validate failover, or induce CPU spikes on a server, and then observe how the system responds.

In a chaos experiment, you typically perform the following tasks:

  1. Define and apply a steady state to the test system and specify its service-level objectives (SLOs).
  2. Develop a hypothesis on how the system will behave if you inject a specific fault.
  3. Inject the fault.
  4. Observe whether the system continues to meet the SLOs.

Chaos Engineering Overview

Harness Chaos Engineering (HCE) simplifies the chaos engineering practices for your organization. To get started, create a new project or ask your administrator to add you to an existing project. Once you have access, navigate to the Chaos tab that shows an overview of all the experiment runs.

HCE Overview

Get variable inputs

You need the following inputs for variables in the API requests in this tutorial:

  • url: This is the Harness CE server URL that serves the chaos API requests. You can find this URL in the chaos API documentation. For instance, is the Harness CE server URL for production environment.

    If you are using chaos Postman collection, this value will be pre-filled in 2 Postman variables as shown below:

    base_url -
    chaos_url - {{base_url}}/gateway/chaos/manager/api/query
  • account_id: This is the ID of your Harness account or a specific Harness account where you want to run chaos experiments. You can get your account ID from any Harness app URL or the Account Overview page in Harness.

  • project_id: This is the ID of the Harness project where you want to run chaos experiments. To get a project's ID:

    1. Go to Projects in Harness.
    2. Select the project where you wish to run the chaos experiments or create a new project.
    3. Click on Overview.
    4. Copy the value of ID.
    5. Ensure that you copy the value of Organization since this is required for variable org_id.
  • org_id: This is the IDof the Harness organization where you want to run chaos experiments. To get your organization ID, follow the same steps you used to get the Project ID.

  • API-KEY-TOKEN: You can use an existing Harness API key token from the same Harness account that you used in the previous steps or create a new API key token from the below steps:

    1. Click on MY PROFILE in Harness.
    2. Go to My API Keys and click on + API Key to create a new API Key.
    3. Enter a Name for the API Key (optional description/tags) and click on Save.
    4. Under the newly created API Key, click on + Token to generate a new token for this API Key.
    5. Enter the Name and select the Expiration (time for which this token is valid) and click on Generate Token.
    6. Ensure that you copy the value of the token generated and store it safe, because you won't be able to access this later.

    Use this token to create an authorization header with the API-KEY-TOKEN value is required to work with chaos APIs.

    x-api-key: $API-KEY-TOKEN

    Authorization Header For API Request


In order to work with Harness CE Postman collection, fork it under your Postman account and update the required variables.

Variables In Harness CE Postman Collection UX

Add a chaos infrastructure using APIs

Step 1: Create and register chaos infrastructure using APIs

Create (or register) a chaos infrastructure (Kubernetes infrastructure) that injects faults into the application (or service).

  1. Specify a name for the chaos infrastructure and provide description and tags (description and tags are optional).
  2. Choose the mode of installation for the Harness Delegate. Harness Delegate is a remote agent to access your Kubernetes cluster resources and inject faults into them as a part of a chaos experiment.
  3. Cluster Wide installation mode allows you to target resources across all the namespaces in your cluster whereas Namespace Mode installation restricts injecting chaos to a certain namespace in which the delegate will be installed.

In this tutorial, the delegate will be installed in the hce namespace in Cluster Wide mode.

Sample GraphQL query and variable to register/create chaos infrastructure:

GraphQL query: registerInfra

mutation($identifiers: IdentifiersRequest!, $request: RegisterInfraRequest!) {
registerInfra(identifiers: $identifiers, request: $request) {

GraphQL variables: registerInfra

"identifiers": {
"orgIdentifier": "{{org_id}}",
"accountIdentifier": "{{account_id}}",
"projectIdentifier": "{{project_id}}"
"request": {
"name": "my-test-chaos-infra",
"environmentID": "my-test-chaos-env",
"description": "Test Chaos Environment",
"platformName": "my-test-platform",
"infraNamespace": "hce",
"serviceAccount": "hce",
"infraScope": "cluster",
"infraNsExists": false,
"infraSaExists": false,
"installationType": "MANIFEST",
"skipSsl": false

The above mentioned values are pre-filled in Harness CE Postman collection as shown in the below screenshot:

Register Chaos Infrastructure

A successful response to infrastructure registration contains details about the registered infra:

"data": {
"registerInfra": {
"token": "abc123",
"infraID": "abc123",
"name": "abc123",
"manifest": "abc123"

You need the token and infraID values from the response for subsequent API calls.

To retrieve the infrastructure manifest, form the following URL:

  • $chaos_server_url corresponds to
  • $token corresponds to the token value retrieved in response to the registerInfra API call as shown in the sample response above.

An example URL to retrieve infrastructure manifest is shown below:

Copy and save the YAML file in a file named infra.yaml. Save the file on a machine that has kubectl installed and has access to your K8s cluster.

You can deploy your chaos infrastructure by executing the below commands if you have access to your Kubernetes cluster via kubectl:

kubectl apply -f infra.yaml

The delegate will be set up in the K8s cluster.

Step 2: Check the status of chaos infrastructure using APIs

Use the getInfraDetails query to retrieve the details of your newly registered infrastructure.

Sample GraphQL query and variables to retrieve infrastructure details:

GraphQL query for getInfraDetails:

query GetInfraDetails(
$infraID: String!,
$identifiers: IdentifiersRequest!
) {
infraID: $infraID,
identifiers: $identifiers
) {
createdBy {
updatedBy {

GraphQL variables for getInfraDetails:

"identifiers": {
"orgIdentifier": "{{org_id}}",
"accountIdentifier": "{{account_id}}",
"projectIdentifier": "{{project_id}}"
"infraID": "{{your-infra-ID}}"

Ensure that you update the value of the infraID field retrieved during the registerInfra API call.

A sample response for getInfraDetails:

"data": {
"getInfraDetails": {
"infraID": "4",
"name": "xyz789",
"description": "xyz789",
"tags": ["xyz789"],
"environmentID": "xyz789",
"platformName": "xyz789",
"isActive": true,
"isInfraConfirmed": true,
"isRemoved": true,
"updatedAt": "xyz789",
"createdAt": "xyz789",
"noOfSchedules": 123,
"noOfWorkflows": 123,
"token": "abc123",
"infraNamespace": "xyz789",
"serviceAccount": "abc123",
"infraScope": "xyz789",
"infraNsExists": false,
"infraSaExists": false,
"installationType": "CONNECTOR",
"k8sConnectorID": "xyz789",
"lastWorkflowTimestamp": "xyz789",
"startTime": "abc123",
"version": "abc123",
"createdBy": UserDetails,
"updatedBy": UserDetails

Check the value of isActive field and ensure it is set to true. This means the infrastructure is in active state.

Above values are pre-filled in Harness CE Postman Collection as shown below:

Get Infra Details UX

To run this API using Harness CE Postman collection, update the value of the infraID variable retrieved during registerInfra API call.

Create a demo application and an observability infrastructure

Install demo app and observability infrastructure using APIs

You are all set to inject chaos into your Kubernetes resources. You will execute one of the most popular faults, Pod Delete. This fault deletes the pods of a deployment (or a statefulset or a daemonset) to determine the resilience of a microservice.

You can use your own application as a target, or use the online boutique microservices demo application as the target. This tutorial uses the demo application.

You can install the boutique application (also known as target application) and observability infrastructure (optional) which includes Grafana, Prometheus and a BlackBox exporter, using the below commands. The observability infrastructure provides a dashboard to validate the health of the application microservices in real time.

❯ kubectl apply -f -n hce

❯ kubectl apply -f -n hce

These resources will be deployed in the existing hce namespace.

The target application and the observability infrastructure pods will be available in the hce namespace eventually. Below is a command that fetches all the pods in the hce namespace.

❯ kubectl get pods -n hce

adservice-68db567bb5-hd47j 1/1 Running 0 5m39s
cartservice-6b8f46f64f-6mrkv 1/1 Running 0 5m39s
chaos-exporter-765d6b6674-tkrpm 1/1 Running 0 11m
chaos-operator-ce-678b67c75-l68m5 1/1 Running 0 11m
checkoutservice-7545ff6849-rdl9f 1/1 Running 0 5m40s
currencyservice-5769b647d5-trx69 1/1 Running 0 5m39s
emailservice-55c84dcfdc-c9x9q 1/1 Running 0 5m40s
frontend-74b7898dd9-x4bzr 1/1 Running 0 5m40s
grafana-6f6fb469b7-bm9vh 1/1 Running 0 5m34s
loadgenerator-5b875b84dd-pcjdr 1/1 Running 0 5m39s
paymentservice-59d87f77bc-fkwjq 1/1 Running 0 5m40s
productcatalogservice-676d7d7dbc-nx75x 1/1 Running 0 5m40s
prometheus-blackbox-exporter-6d955c876-l7fdv 2/2 Running 0 5m34s
prometheus-deployment-779b88bf5d-zf8f9 1/1 Running 0 5m34s
recommendationservice-6fc8b4d9cf-4s96t 1/1 Running 0 5m40s
redis-cart-7cd9d8966d-mgbhx 1/1 Running 0 5m39s
shippingservice-7b4945b5fc-cbmc9 1/1 Running 0 5m39s
subscriber-7774bd95d4-4rnwp 1/1 Running 0 11m
workflow-controller-6d5d75dc7c-v9vqc 1/1 Running 0 11m

Below is a command that lists the services available in the hce namespace.

❯ kubectl get services -n hce

adservice ClusterIP <none> 9555/TCP 9m48s
cartservice ClusterIP <none> 7070/TCP 9m49s
chaos-exporter ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 15m
checkoutservice ClusterIP <none> 5050/TCP 9m49s
currencyservice ClusterIP <none> 7000/TCP 9m49s
emailservice ClusterIP <none> 5000/TCP 9m49s
frontend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 9m49s
frontend-external LoadBalancer localhost 80:30963/TCP 9m49s
grafana LoadBalancer localhost 3000:32659/TCP 9m43s
paymentservice ClusterIP <none> 50051/TCP 9m49s
productcatalogservice ClusterIP <none> 3550/TCP 9m49s
prometheus-blackbox-exporter ClusterIP <none> 9115/TCP 9m43s
prometheus-k8s LoadBalancer localhost 9090:32101/TCP 9m43s
recommendationservice ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 9m49s
redis-cart ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 9m48s
shippingservice ClusterIP <none> 50051/TCP 9m48s
workflow-controller-metrics ClusterIP <none> 9090/TCP 15m

To access the target application frontend in your browser, use the CLUSTER-IP of the frontend-external LoadBalancer service.

Online Boutique

To access the Grafana dashboard:

  1. Login using the default credentials: username admin and password admin.
  2. Browse the online boutique application dashboard.

Before fault execution, all the metrics indicate normal application behavior.

Grafana App Dashboard

Construct a chaos experiment using APIs

You have successfully created and deployed the target application. You can now target the pods of the cart microservice using the pod delete fault.

Before injecting chaos, the cart page will be accessible from the frontend, as seen at the /cart route.

Online Boutique App Cart

Create the chaos experiment and workflow using APIs
  1. Specify the experiment name and optionally a description and tags.
  2. Add the target infrastructure ID that you previously created.

This allows you to create your chaos experiment with a pod delete fault that is configured to target the online boutique application.

You can use the createChaosWorkFlow API to create the above chaos experiment.

GraphQL query: createChaosWorkFlow

mutation CreateChaosWorkFlow(
$request: ChaosWorkFlowRequest!
$identifiers: IdentifiersRequest!
) {
createChaosWorkFlow(request: $request, identifiers: $identifiers) {

GraphQL variables: createChaosWorkFlow

"identifiers": {
"orgIdentifier": "{{org_id}}",
"accountIdentifier": "{{account_id}}",
"projectIdentifier": "{{project_id}}"
"request": {
"workflowManifest": "$your-new-workflow-manifest",
"cronSyntax": "",
"workflowName": "my-pod-delete-experiment",
"workflowDescription": "This is a cartservice pod delete experiment",
"weightages": [
"experimentName": "pod-delete-ji5",
"weightage": 10
"isCustomWorkflow": true,
"infraID": "{{your-infra-id-from-registerInfra-call}}",
"tags":["test", "workflow", "gke"]

To run this API using Harness CE Postman collection, update the value of the infraID variable retrieved using the registerInfra API call.

The value for workflowManifest field is pre-filled in the Harness CE Postman collection. You will need to update this if you are using a different application, other than boutique.

A sample workflow manifest is shown below:

"kind": "Workflow",
"apiVersion": "",
"metadata": {
"name": "my-pod-delete-experiment",
"namespace": "hce",
"creationTimestamp": null,
"labels": {
"infra_id": "e640346b-bff5-40db-a828-68b44e06e2d1",
"revision_id": "f82e8c99-8efd-4289-a324-eadfd9667574",
"workflow_id": "80557c8b-531c-49d2-a39e-9f72c4674c2c",
"": "e640346b-bff5-40db-a828-68b44e06e2d1"
"spec": {
"templates": [
"name": "test-0-7-x-exp",
"inputs": {},
"outputs": {},
"metadata": {},
"steps": [
"name": "install-chaos-faults",
"template": "install-chaos-faults",
"arguments": {}
"name": "pod-delete-ji5",
"template": "pod-delete-ji5",
"arguments": {}
"name": "cleanup-chaos-resources",
"template": "cleanup-chaos-resources",
"arguments": {}
"name": "install-chaos-faults",
"inputs": {
"artifacts": [
"name": "pod-delete-ji5",
"path": "/tmp/pod-delete-ji5.yaml",
"raw": {
"data": "apiVersion:\ndescription:\n message: |\n Deletes a pod belonging to a deployment/statefulset/daemonset\nkind: ChaosExperiment\nmetadata:\n name: pod-delete\n labels:\n name: pod-delete\n litmus\n chaosexperiment\n ci\nspec:\n definition:\n scope: Namespaced\n permissions:\n - apiGroups:\n - \"\"\n resources:\n - pods\n verbs:\n - create\n - delete\n - get\n - list\n - patch\n - update\n - deletecollection\n - apiGroups:\n - \"\"\n resources:\n - events\n verbs:\n - create\n - get\n - list\n - patch\n - update\n - apiGroups:\n - \"\"\n resources:\n - configmaps\n verbs:\n - get\n - list\n - apiGroups:\n - \"\"\n resources:\n - pods/log\n verbs:\n - get\n - list\n - watch\n - apiGroups:\n - \"\"\n resources:\n - pods/exec\n verbs:\n - get\n - list\n - create\n - apiGroups:\n - apps\n resources:\n - deployments\n - statefulsets\n - replicasets\n - daemonsets\n verbs:\n - list\n - get\n - apiGroups:\n -\n resources:\n - deploymentconfigs\n verbs:\n - list\n - get\n - apiGroups:\n - \"\"\n resources:\n - replicationcontrollers\n verbs:\n - get\n - list\n - apiGroups:\n -\n resources:\n - rollouts\n verbs:\n - list\n - get\n - apiGroups:\n - batch\n resources:\n - jobs\n verbs:\n - create\n - list\n - get\n - delete\n - deletecollection\n - apiGroups:\n -\n resources:\n - chaosengines\n - chaosexperiments\n - chaosresults\n verbs:\n - create\n - list\n - get\n - patch\n - update\n - delete\n image: chaosnative/go-runner:3.0.0-saas\n imagePullPolicy: Always\n args:\n - -c\n - ./experiments -name pod-delete\n command:\n - /bin/bash\n env:\n - name: TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION\n value: \"15\"\n - name: RAMP_TIME\n value: \"\"\n - name: FORCE\n value: \"true\"\n - name: CHAOS_INTERVAL\n value: \"5\"\n - name: PODS_AFFECTED_PERC\n value: \"\"\n - name: TARGET_CONTAINER\n value: \"\"\n - name: TARGET_PODS\n value: \"\"\n - name: DEFAULT_HEALTH_CHECK\n value: \"false\"\n - name: NODE_LABEL\n value: \"\"\n - name: SEQUENCE\n value: parallel\n labels:\n name: pod-delete\n litmus\n experiment-job\n ci\n"
"outputs": {},
"metadata": {},
"container": {
"name": "",
"image": "chaosnative/k8s:2.11.0",
"command": [
"args": [
"kubectl apply -f /tmp/ -n {{workflow.parameters.adminModeNamespace}} && sleep 30"
"resources": {}
"name": "cleanup-chaos-resources",
"inputs": {},
"outputs": {},
"metadata": {},
"container": {
"name": "",
"image": "chaosnative/k8s:2.11.0",
"command": [
"args": [
"kubectl delete chaosengine -l workflow_run_id={{workflow.uid}} -n {{workflow.parameters.adminModeNamespace}}"
"resources": {}
"name": "pod-delete-ji5",
"inputs": {
"artifacts": [
"name": "pod-delete-ji5",
"path": "/tmp/chaosengine-pod-delete-ji5.yaml",
"raw": {
"data": "apiVersion:\/v1alpha1\r\nkind: ChaosEngine\r\nmetadata:\r\n namespace: \"{{workflow.parameters.adminModeNamespace}}\"\r\n generateName: pod-delete-ji5\r\n labels:\r\n workflow_run_id: \"{{ workflow.uid }}\"\r\n workflow_name: my-cart-pod-delete-experiment\r\nspec:\r\n appinfo:\r\n appns: hce\r\n applabel: app=cartservice\r\n appkind: deployment\r\n engineState: active\r\n chaosServiceAccount: litmus-admin\r\n experiments:\r\n - name: pod-delete\r\n spec:\r\n components:\r\n env:\r\n - name: TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION\r\n value: \"30\"\r\n - name: CHAOS_INTERVAL\r\n value: \"10\"\r\n - name: FORCE\r\n value: \"false\"\r\n - name: PODS_AFFECTED_PERC\r\n value: \"\"\r\n probe:\r\n - name: http-cartservice-probe\r\n type: httpProbe\r\n mode: Continuous\r\n runProperties:\r\n probeTimeout: 10\r\n retry: 1\r\n interval: 1\r\n stopOnFailure: false\r\n httpProbe\/inputs:\r\n url: http:\/\/frontend\/cart\r\n method:\r\n get:\r\n criteria: ==\r\n responseCode: \"200\"\r\n responseTimeout: 15\r\n"
"outputs": {},
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"weight": "10"
"container": {
"name": "",
"image": "chaosnative/litmus-checker:2.11.0",
"args": [
"resources": {}
"entrypoint": "test-0-7-x-exp",
"arguments": {
"parameters": [
"name": "adminModeNamespace",
"value": "hce"
"serviceAccountName": "argo-chaos",
"podGC": {
"strategy": "OnWorkflowCompletion"
"securityContext": {
"runAsUser": 1000,
"runAsNonRoot": true
"status": {
"startedAt": null,
"finishedAt": null

To use your own workflow manifest instead of the default manifest from the Postman collection, escape the JSON manifest before providing it as a value to the workflowManifest variable.

A sample response: createChaosWorkFlow

"data": {
"createChaosWorkFlow": {
"workflowID": "xyz789",
"identifiers": Identifiers,
"cronSyntax": "abc123",
"workflowName": "abc123",
"workflowDescription": "xyz789",
"isCustomWorkflow": false,
"tags": ["abc123"]

Make note of the value of the workflowID, which will be required for subsequent API calls.

Now, you can inspect the configuration used to create a chaos workflow.

You will target the cart microservice of the boutique application. The application is housed in the hce namespace with the app=cartservice application label (corresponds to cart microservice). Specify the application kind as deployment

appns: hce
applabel: app=cartservice
appkind: deployment

Take a look at the fault parameters:

  • The fault execution duration is defined as 30 seconds with an interval of 10 seconds. This means that, in every 10 seconds, the cart microservice pod(s) are deleted for a total of 30 seconds.
  • The ramp time is set to empty and is 0 by default. This ramp time refers to the period that the fault waits before and after injecting chaos into the application.
  • The pod affected percentage is set to empty, and is 1 by default. This parameter specifies the number of pods in the cart deployment that will be targeted.
- name: pod-delete
value: "30"
value: "10"
- name: FORCE
value: "false"
value: ""

Now take a look at the Probes config:

  • A probe named http-cartservice-probe is defined which is used to validate the availability of the /cart URL endpoint when the pod delete fault is executed.
  • You can see that the probe type is HTTP and it is executed in a Continuous mode throughout the fault execution.
  • In probe details section, you can see that the URL is http://frontend/cart and the response timeout is set to 15 milliseconds.
  • Probe execution makes GET requests to the specified URL. If no HTTP response is obtained within 15 milliseconds, it indicates probe failure.
  • If all the probe executions pass, this indicates that the probe passed.
- name: http-cartservice-probe
type: httpProbe
mode: Continuous
probeTimeout: 10
retry: 1
interval: 1
stopOnFailure: false
url: http://frontend/cart
criteria: ==
responseCode: "200"
responseTimeout: 15

Now, take a look at Fault Weights:

  • In the above sample workflow manifest, you will see that the default weight for the fault is set to 10, which is used to determine the resilience score for the experiment run.

Run the chaos experiment and observe the outcomes

You can use the RunChaosExperiment API to run a chaos experiment that is created using the CreateChaosWorkFlow API.

Step 1: Run the experiment with APIs

GraphQL query: RunChaosExperiment

mutation RunChaosExperiment(
$workflowID: String!,
$identifiers: IdentifiersRequest!
) {
workflowID: $workflowID,
identifiers: $identifiers
) {

GraphQL variables: RunChaosExperiment

"workflowID": "{{workflow-id-from-createChaosWorkflow-call}}",
"identifiers": {
"orgIdentifier": "{{org_id}}",
"accountIdentifier": "{{account_id}}",
"projectIdentifier": "{{project_id}}"

The value of workflowID should be updated with the value retrieved using the CreateChaosWorkFlow API call.

A sample response: RunChaosExperiment

"data": {
"runChaosExperiment": {
"notifyID": "abc123"

Copy the value of the notifyID field.

Step 2: Observe chaos execution on the user interface

You can observe the experiment added to the list of chaos experiments. It would show Running status. Choose Current Execution to view the detailed execution.

Experiment Executing

When the fault is being executed, you can observe the detailed view and the logs of the experiment.

Detailed Chaos Execution

You can also see the status of the cart deployment pod. When you execute the below command, it displays all the pods in running state. It indicates that pod delete has deleted the cart pod, and replaced it with a new one, whose container is being created.

❯ kubectl get pods -n hce

adservice-68db567bb5-hd47j 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
cartservice-6b8f46f64f-lkgs8 0/1 Running 0 29s
chaos-exporter-765d6b6674-tkrpm 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
chaos-operator-ce-678b67c75-l68m5 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
checkoutservice-7545ff6849-rdl9f 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
currencyservice-5769b647d5-trx69 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
emailservice-55c84dcfdc-c9x9q 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
frontend-74b7898dd9-x4bzr 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
grafana-6f6fb469b7-bm9vh 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
loadgenerator-5b875b84dd-pcjdr 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
paymentservice-59d87f77bc-fkwjq 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
productcatalogservice-676d7d7dbc-nx75x 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
prometheus-blackbox-exporter-6d955c876-l7fdv 2/2 Running 0 5h41m
prometheus-deployment-779b88bf5d-zf8f9 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
recommendationservice-6fc8b4d9cf-4s96t 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
redis-cart-7cd9d8966d-mgbhx 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
shippingservice-7b4945b5fc-cbmc9 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
subscriber-7774bd95d4-4rnwp 1/1 Running 0 5h41m
workflow-controller-6d5d75dc7c-v9vqc 1/1 Running 0 5h41m

Consequently, if you try to access the frontend cart page, it throws an error that indicates that the application is unreachable.

Webpage Unavailable

You can validate this behavior using the application metrics dashboard. The probe success percentage for the application availability (200 response code) would steeply decrease along with the 99th percentile (green line), queries per second (QPS) and access duration. Also, the mean QPS (yellow line) steeply increases. This is because no pod is available to serve the query requests.

Application Down Dashboard

Step 3: Observe chaos execution using an API

You can use the ListWorkflowRun API to observe the current status of your experiment.

GraphQL query: ListWorkflowRun

query ListWorkflowRun(
$identifiers: IdentifiersRequest!,
$request: ListWorkflowRunRequest!
) {
identifiers: $identifiers,
request: $request
) {
workflowRuns {
identifiers {
weightages {
infra {
updatedBy {
createdBy {

GraphQL variables: ListWorkflowRun

"identifiers": {
"orgIdentifier": "{{org_id}}",
"accountIdentifier": "{{account_id}}",
"projectIdentifier": "{{project_id}}"
"request": {
"notifyIDs": ["{{comma-separated-notifyIDs-from-runChaosExperiment-api-call}}"]

The value for notifyIDs field was retrieved in the RunChaosExperiment API call.

A sample response: ListWorkflowRun

"data": {
"listWorkflowRun": {
"totalNoOfWorkflowRuns": 987,
"workflowRuns": [WorkflowRun]

All the workflow runs would be listed under field workflowRuns with all the required details and current status. For instance, a field named phase would tell if a particular workflow is still running/completed.

Step 4: Evaluate the experiment run

When the experiment completes execution, you will see a resiliency score of 0%. You will also notice that the pod delete fault step failed. Before analyzing the expriment results, you can check that the application has come back to normal state, and is accessible. You can validate this from the Grafana dashboard where you can see visuals that indicate that chaos duration is complete.

App Metrics Normalizing

You can see the chaos result which indicates that the experiment Failed, and the probe success percentage is 0%. This happened because the http-cart-service probe failed, which is a consequence of the cart pod being unavaialble since you injected chaos (pod delete) into the microservice.

Experiment Failed Probe

The failed step specifies "Probe execution result didn't met the passing criteria", which validates HTTP probe failure that you previously defined.

Fail Step Result

With that, you have successfully executed your first vhaos experiment using chaos APIs.

For the probe checks and experiment to pass, increase the number of experiment pods to 2 so that one of the deployment pod survives the pod delete fault and keeps the application running.

To re-run the experiment, re-trigger the RunChaosExperiment with the existing workflow ID and use the ListWorkflowRun to observe the experiment execution via API.

Run chaos experiments as GitLab pipelines

This tutorial explains how you can create chaos experiments using Harness Chaos Engineering (HCE) and run them in GitLab pipelines. Chaos experiments in Harness are created the same way in the chaos engineering module, irrespective of where they are invoked from.

  1. Create a chaos experiment in the Harness Chaos Engineering module. Execute this experiment to verify the configuration and ensure that the resilience probes are working as expected. The experiment ID and resilience score determined from this experiment run will be used to integrate the experiment with GitLab.

    chaos experiment with ID and resilience score

  2. Create a launch script. HCE APIs are used to invoke or launch a chaos experiment from the pipeline.

    To simplify creating an API call with the required secure parameters and data, a CLI tool is provided. Use this tool to create an appropriate API command to include in the pipeline script.

    Below is a sample launch script.


    set -e

    curl -sL -o hce-cli

    chmod +x hce-cli

    output=$(./hce-cli generate --api launch-experiment --account-id=${ACCOUNT_ID} \
    --project-id ${PROJECT_ID} --workflow-id ${WORKFLOW_ID} \
    --api-key ${API_KEY} --file-name | jq -r '.data.runChaosExperiment.notifyID')

    echo ${output}

    Go to GitLab demo for a sample configuration of the chaos launch script. You can include this script in the GitLab YAML file. This is a sample to include one single chaos experiment, but the same can be repeated so as to be included in multiple chaos experiments.

  3. Insert chaos experiments into .gitlab-ci.yaml. You can include the above-mentioned launch script in the GitLab pipeline as a stage or a step. In the script section, add the scripts for launching, monitoring and retrieving results. For example:

    # Insert a chaos stage where each chaos experiment is inserted as a launch script. 

    chaos-job: # This job runs in the deploy stage.
    stage: chaos # It only runs when *both* jobs in the test stage complete successfully.
    environment: production
    WORKFLOW_ID: "d7c9d243-0219-4f7c-84c2-3004e59e4505"
    - apt-get update; apt-get -y install jq
    - echo "Launching Chaos Experiment.."; EXPERIMENT_NOTIFY_ID=$(sh scripts/
    - echo "Monitoring Chaos Experiment.."; sh scripts/ ${EXPERIMENT_NOTIFY_ID}
    - echo "Deriving Resilience Score.."; ACTUAL_RESILIENCE_SCORE=$(sh scripts/ ${EXPERIMENT_NOTIFY_ID} | tr -d '"')
    - echo "Obtained Resilience Score is ${ACTUAL_RESILIENCE_SCORE}"
    - if [ ${ACTUAL_RESILIENCE_SCORE} -lt ${EXPECTED_RESILIENCE_SCORE} ]; then exit 1; fi

    stage: rollback
    environment: production
    name: bitnami/kubectl:latest
    entrypoint: ['']
    - *prepare_kubecontext
    - echo "Attempting Rollback.."; sh scripts/ #write your own rollback logic here
    needs: ["chaos-job"]
    when: on_failure

    The resilience score is the result of the experiment, and it helps decide if a rollback job needs to be invoked.

  4. Retrieve the resilience score using the Harness Chaos API and take appropriate action in the pipeline. An example of how to use the Harness Chaos API is shown below.


    set -e

    curl -sL -o hce-cli

    chmod +x hce-cli

    resiliencyScore=$(./hce-cli generate --api validate-resilience-score --account-id=${ACCOUNT_ID} \
    --project-id ${PROJECT_ID} --notifyID=$1 \
    --api-key ${API_KEY} --file-name

    echo "${resiliencyScore}"

Run chaos experiments as Jenkins pipelines

This tutorial describes how to create chaos experiments using Harness Chaos Engineering (HCE) and run them in Jenkins pipelines. Chaos experiments in Harness are created the same way in the chaos engineering module, irrespective of where they are invoked from.

  1. Create a chaos experiment in the Harness Chaos Engineering module. Execute this experiment to verify the configuration and ensure that the resilience probes are working as expected. The experiment ID and resilience score determined from this experiment run will be used to integrate the experiment with Jenkins.

    chaos experiment with ID and resilience score

  2. Create a launch script. HCE APIs are used to invoke or launch a chaos experiment from the pipeline.

    To simplify creating an API call with the required secure parameters and data, a CLI tool is provided. Use this tool to create an appropriate API command to include in the pipeline script.

    Below is a sample launch script.


    set -e

    curl -sL -o hce-api-saas

    chmod +x hce-api-saas

    output=$(./hce-api-saas generate --api launch-experiment --account-id=${ACCOUNT_ID} \
    --project-id ${PROJECT_ID} --workflow-id ${WORKFLOW_ID} \
    --api-key ${API_KEY} --file-name | jq -r '.data.runChaosExperiment.notifyID')

    echo ${output}

    Go to Jenkins demo for a sample configuration of the chaos launch script. You can include this script in the Jenkins configuration file. This is a sample to include one single chaos experiment, but the same can be repeated so as to be included in multiple chaos experiments.

  3. Insert chaos experiments into Jenkins config file. You can include the above-mentioned launch script in the Jenkins pipeline as a stage or a step. In the script section, add the scripts for launching, monitoring and retrieving results. An example is shown below.

    stage('Launch Chaos Experiment') {
    steps {
    sh '''
    sh scripts/ > n_id.txt
    script {
    env.notify_id = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'cat n_id.txt').trim()

    stage('Monitor Chaos Experiment') {
    steps {
    sh '''
    sh scripts/ ${notify_id}

    stage('Verify Resilience Score') {
    steps {
    sh '''
    sh scripts/ ${notify_id} > r_s.txt
    script {
    env.resilience_score = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'cat r_s.txt').trim()

    stage('Take Rollback Decision') {
    steps {
    sh '''
    echo ${resilience_score}
    sh scripts/ ${resilience_score}

    The resilience score is the result of the experiment, and helps decide if a rollback job needs to be invoked.

  4. Retrieve the resilience score using the Harness Chaos API and take appropriate action in the pipeline. An example of how to use the Harness Chaos API is shown below.


    set -e

    curl -sL -o hce-api-saas

    chmod +x hce-api-saas

    resiliencyScore=$(./hce-api-saas generate --api validate-resilience-score --account-id=${ACCOUNT_ID} \
    --project-id ${PROJECT_ID} --notifyID=$1 \
    --api-key ${API_KEY} --file-name

    echo "${resiliencyScore}"